SBA Loans
For those of you who are residents, have you considered SBA loans? These types of loans are very favorable compared to a conventional loan, however you must talk with an SBA consultant in order to understand your options?
For those of you who are Overseas Investors, unfortunately at this point your only option is Owner Financing. This is where an owner is willing to hold a personal note against you and the business you buy. Be aware that if you are considering this option, the majority of the purchase price should be invested by you, and not through a loan. The purpose of an investment visa is to invest, not borrow!

Owner Finance
Owner finance is a very good thing, no matter who is buying a business. Most sellers will not want to offer this option as they may well require the proceeds for their next venture in life. However, if you can obtain owner finance, it generally shows that the seller is pretty confident with what they are selling. It also allows you less cash out of pocket, which can never be a bad thing. Especially if you are going into an industry where cash flow is imperative.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail me or use our contact form and I will do my best to guide you to your dreams.